Planning Your Next Running Route? 8 Factors to Consider

A sportswear-clad arm holds up a smartphone displaying a map
smartphone-2567076_1920‘ by StockSnap on Pixabay.

At some stage, your current running route may stop feeling rewarding. Perhaps you’re ready to face a more challenging distance. Maybe you’d like to mix up the terrain. Or maybe you just want a change of scenery. If any of these feelings sound familiar, the time has come to plan a new running route.

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Want to Get Active? 5 Reasons to Choose Running

Hand holding Nike running shoes against an outdoor scene‘countryside-1846093_1920’ by Pexels on Pixabay

Have you made a fitness resolution for the New Year? Or is someone you know looking to get active? Perhaps exercise is new to you and you’re unsure which activity to choose.

Running is a great option. It’s cheap, convenient and inclusive. Here are five reasons to choose running as your sport.

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