What Kit Do You Need to Start Running? A Guide to Essential Running Gear

Essential running kit folded and laid out on the floor.
‘sport-761125_1920’ by devansee on Pixabay

Running is attractive to a lot of people because it’s free and can be done almost anytime, anywhere. There are no monthly subscription fees or costly memberships, and no opening hours or classes. All you have to do is lace up and get out. However, first you will need to purchase a few basic essentials.

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An Unlikely Runner: My Journey from Side-line to Start Line

Feet of lone runner jogging on an athletics track
‘action-1867700_1920’ by Pexels on Pixabay

“The more I ran, the easier it became. A virtuous cycle began.”

Growing up, I thought some people were naturally sporty – and I wasn’t one of them. To me, fitness seemed like luck of the draw. Yet, in a single year I was transformed from exercise-refuser to endurance runner.

How did this happen? Well, it started with an unexpected offer and some ‘fighting talk.’

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