Planning Your Next Running Route? 8 Factors to Consider

A sportswear-clad arm holds up a smartphone displaying a map
smartphone-2567076_1920‘ by StockSnap on Pixabay.

At some stage, your current running route may stop feeling rewarding. Perhaps you’re ready to face a more challenging distance. Maybe you’d like to mix up the terrain. Or maybe you just want a change of scenery. If any of these feelings sound familiar, the time has come to plan a new running route.

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7 Winter Running Tips to Stop Your Training Freezing Over

Running shoe on snowy ground.
sports-shoes-2057160_1920‘ by junki72 on Pixabay

Andy Williams may have crooned, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” But winter brings new running challenges. The nights draw in sooner, the temperature drops and conditions change underfoot – all of which present hazards for runners.

When the weather outside is frightful, the idea of a run may seem less delightful. Yet, winter doesn’t have to dampen your spirits.

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An Unlikely Runner: My Journey from Side-line to Start Line

Feet of lone runner jogging on an athletics track
‘action-1867700_1920’ by Pexels on Pixabay

“The more I ran, the easier it became. A virtuous cycle began.”

Growing up, I thought some people were naturally sporty – and I wasn’t one of them. To me, fitness seemed like luck of the draw. Yet, in a single year I was transformed from exercise-refuser to endurance runner.

How did this happen? Well, it started with an unexpected offer and some ‘fighting talk.’

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